
Form a Civic Engagement Team

Form a Civic Engagement Team Forming a Civic Engagement team will enable your congregation to work more thoroughly, more thoughtfully, and more effectively.  Civic Engagement teams first focus on activating their own congregants and then if able, they branch out to communities beyond their own congregations.  Here is how to get started! Ask WIVEC to partner on an easy-entry voter…


Energize your congregantion by offering events that focus on voting efforts (entry-level activities that connect with fellow congregants and services focused on the congregation’s voting needs). Communicate about voting in your congregation Create a Civic Engagement Leadership Team Host 1-2 entry level Get Out The Vote (GOTV) events Host a Postcard Writing Party Congregation connections Challenge 100% registered voters within…

Energize Your Congregation

Energize your congregants by offering events that focus on voting efforts (entry-level activities that connect with fellow congregants and services focused on the congregation’s voting needs). Communicate about voting in your congregation Create a Civic Engagement Leadership Team Host 1-2 entry level Get Out The Vote (GOTV) events – postcarding, congregation connections Challenge 100% registered voters within the congregation Host…

Host a Postcard Party

How to Host a Postcard Party Postcard events build community and can help recruit new members to your Civic Engagement Team.  Postcard parties are easy-entry programs where we can meet volunteers where they are and empower them to make a difference.  Postcarding is among the most cost effective ways to boost voter turnout.  Postcard Parties can look different, depending on…

WIVEC Leadership

Leadership Rhonda Lindner Interfaith Organizer, Wisconsin Interfaith Engagement Campaign Rhonda worked for 27 years as a public school teacher, teaching English and Spanish. For many years she led a highly successful philanthropy and social action service club. Rhonda has participated in many social justice campaigns in her congregation while also coordinating civic engagement campaigns with the Religious Action Center of…

Join us!

The mission of the Wisconsin Interfaith Voter Engagement Campaign (WIVEC) is to engage the interfaith community in the democratic process.  We believe that this work will build increased understanding and stronger ties among different faith communities, increase involvement in the electoral process, and result in a greater understanding of the positive role faith communities can play in the public square.…


Reach out beyond your congregation to the needs of the community at large (interfaith events and community needs). Communicate with neighbor congregations both within and outside of your faith community Energize people within your congregation to vote Host or join WIVEC’s Interfaith canvassing events Create Interfaith voter rider program Recruit poll workers and poll watchers    


Communicate about voting through your various channels (announcements, newsletters, social media, bulletins, etc) Offer Announcements during services and gatherings reminding people to vote Include Announcements and WIVEC informational materials in newsletters/bulletins and social media Include targeted updates from WIVEC in social media, website, and bulletins during election cycles (February, April, August, November)